This human need for mysticism – surrender to an unknown truth, union – stands at the helm of all romantic feeling. It is, in essence, the same intimacy known in a mother’s arms; in those who are deprived of the experience, the need freezes and, distorted, it can rent a life. All addiction has as its foundation skewed yearning for the same transcendence. For me, the spell of the material was broken by my brother’s death; after his suicide, all I wanted was the renewal of my connection to the intangible.
- Madre
- Suicidio
- Hermano
- Adicción
- Roto
- Sentimientos
- Ríndase
- Intimidad
- Mi hermano
- Renovación
- Anhelo
- Misticismo
- Brazos
- Conexiones
- Esencia
- Fundación
- Timón
- Humanos
- Intangible
- Materiales
- Necesita
- Trascendencia
- Sindicatos
- Se busca
- Privado
- Congelar
- Necesidades humanas
- Conocido
- Hechizos
- Sentimientos románticos