  • Para multitudes de sufrientes en lechos de dolor y languidez, Jesús ha sido hoy el gran médico; en muchos círculos de llanto en torno al precioso polvo, Él ha sido el divino consolador, y las lágrimas casi han cesado de fluir cuando este Jesús ha tocado el féretro. Labios moribundos han susurrado Su nombre, y el valle de la sombra ha sido iluminado como con la gloria de las costas celestiales.

    "Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, p. 94, 1895.
To multitudes of sufferers on beds of pain and languishing, Jesus has been the great physician to-day; in many a weeping circle around precious dust, He has been the Divine comforter, and the tears have almost ceased to flow as this Jesus has touched the bier. Dying lips have whispered His name, and the valley of the shadow has been illumined as with the glory from the celestial shores. - Abbott Eliot Kittredge