  • Tenemos la canción más lenta de 311, llamada 'Solar Flare', que es un mordaz rap político que [el vocalista] S.A. [Martinez] pone sobre un tema realmente lento y pesado, y luego hay otra muy rápida llamada 'It's Getting OK Now', en la que [el guitarrista] Tim Mahoney canaliza a Dimebag Darrell [Abbott de Pantera].

    "311's Don't Tread Walks In Footsteps Of Van Halen, Pantera" by Corey Moss, August 16, 2005.
We've got the slowest 311 song ever, called 'Solar Flare,' which is a scathing political rap that [vocalist] S.A. [Martinez] puts over a really slow, heavy thing, And then there's also a really fast one called 'It's Getting OK Now,' which is [guitarist] Tim Mahoney channeling Dimebag Darrell [Abbott of Pantera]. - Nick Hexum