  • En efecto, la familia ha muerto, si por tal entendemos el sistema familiar moderno en el que las unidades formadas por el hombre que mantiene a la familia y la mujer que se ocupa del hogar, las parejas casadas y su descendencia dominan la tierra. Pero su fantasma, la ideología de la familia, sobrevive para atormentar la conciencia de todos aquellos que se niegan a enfrentarse a ella. Ha llegado el momento de realizar una autopsia social al cadáver del sistema familiar moderno para intentar dar sepultura a su molesto espíritu.

    Judith Stacey (1996). “In the name of the family: rethinking family values in the postmodern age”, Beacon Pr
The family indeed is dead, if what we mean by it is the modern family system in which units comprised of male breadwinner and female homemaker, married couples, and their offspring dominate the land. But its ghost, the ideology of the family, survives to haunt the consciousness of all those who refuse to confront it. It is time to perform a social autopsy on the corpse of the modern family system so that we may try to lay its troublesome spirit to rest. - Judith Stacey