  • Tal vez no esté tan claro. Tal vez sea la propia presencia de una cosa -luz u oscuridad- lo que hace necesaria la existencia de la otra.
    Piénsalo, la gente no podría convertirse en héroes legendarios si antes no hubieran hecho algo para combatir la oscuridad. Los médicos no podrían hacer nada bueno
    enfermedades que tratar.

    Jessica Shirvington (2011). “Embrace”, p.33,
Maybe it's not as clear-cut as that. Maybe it's the very presence of one thing - light or darkness - that necessitates the existence of the other. Think about it, people couldn't become legendary heroes if they hadn't first done something to combat darkness. Doctors could do no good if there weren't diseases for them to treat. - Jessica Shirvington