Astronomy is so easy to love. ... Fairly or not, physics is associated with nuclear bombs and nuclear waste, chemistry with pesticides, biology with Frankenfood and designer-gene superbabies. But astronomers are like responsible ecotourists, squinting at the scenery through high-quality optical devices, taking nothing but images that may be computer-enhanced for public distribution, leaving nothing but a few Land Rover footprints on faraway Martian soil, and OK, OK, maybe the Land Rover, too.
- Ciencia
- Saliendo de
- Química
- Física
- Astronomía
- Biología
- Huella
- Fácil
- Responsable
- Escenarios
- Bomba nuclear
- Diseñador
- Quality (Calidad)
- Ordenador
- Astrónomos
- Bombas
- Dispositivos
- Distribución
- Genes
- Terreno
- Mayo
- Nuclear
- Residuos nucleares
- Pesticidas
- Suelo
- Entrecerrando los ojos
- Residuos
- Alta calidad
- Marcianos