  • En mi mente, le hice regalos a la mujer. Le di una vela. Le di una caja de cerillas de cocina de madera. Le regalé un pastel de jabón Lifebuoy. Le regalé un techo de planetas que brillan en la oscuridad. Le regalé un muñeco calvo. Le regalé un higo maduro, dulce como la madera nueva, y una gota de leche de su tallo. Le regalé un caramelo de menta. Le regalé un ramo de cuatro rosas. Le di lombrices gordas para su tumba. Le di un pez del lago Roebuck, un frasco de mi sudor para que nadara en él.

    Lewis Nordan (1992). "Música del pantano", Algonquin Books
In my mind, I gave the woman gifts. I gave her a candle stub. I gave her a box of wooden kitchen matches. I gave her a cake of Lifebuoy soap. I gave her a ceilingful of glow-in-the-dark planets. I gave her a bald baby doll. I gave her a ripe fig, sweet as new wood, and a milkdrop from its stem. I gave her a peppermint puff. I gave her a bouquet of four roses. I gave her fat earthworms for her grave. I gave her a fish from Roebuck Lake, a vial of my sweat for it to swim in. - Lewis Nordan