The reality is each new day and each project is another opportunity to learn, experiment and try something I haven't done before. I've found that's what keeps me motivated and moving forward - learning new things and challenging myself on a daily basis to improve as a composer, recording engineer, percussionist, guitarist, producer...the list goes on and on!
- En movimiento
- Avanzar
- Realidad
- Oportunidad
- Nuevo día
- Desafíos
- Prueba
- Hecho
- Motivado
- Compositor
- Productores
- Guitarrista
- Aprender cosas nuevas
- Otra oportunidad
- Bases
- Cada nuevo día
- Experimentos
- Encontrado
- Continúa
- Listas
- Proyectos
- Ingenieros
- Havens
- Novedades
- Desafiarme a mí mismo
- Aprender nuevo
- Oportunidades para aprender