I think the power of the short film is incredibly underrated. It is way easier to get someone to watch a 15-minute film then a full-length feature. In those 15 minutes you have the opportunity to express your voice as an artist and hopefully connect with your audience. If you are trying to be a first time feature director then a short film that demonstrates you have a grasp on the themes and concepts of the movie you want to direct is a no-brainer. Whether they are collaborators or potential investors, filmmaking is a visual art form so you obviously need visuals to show them!
- Arte
- Artista
- Oportunidad
- Pensar
- Prueba
- Película
- Primera vez
- Cine
- Audiencia
- Artes visuales
- Esperemos que
- Directo
- Cortometrajes
- Inversores
- Directores
- Más fácil
- Primeros
- Formulario
- Longitud
- Actas
- Necesita
- Espectáculos
- Tema
- Infravalorado
- Visuales
- Voz
- Desea
- Relojes
- Camino
- Colaboradores
- Conceptos
- Características
- No Brainer
- Si