I think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author, and I speak like a child.... My hemmings and hawings over the telephone cause long-distance callers to switch from their native English to pathetic French. At parties, if I attempt to entertain people with a good story, I have to go back to every other sentence for oral erasures and inserts.... In these circumstances nobody should ask me to submit to an interview if by "interview" a chat between two normal human beings is implied.
- Niños
- Fiesta
- Escribir
- Pensar
- Personas
- Ansiedad
- Genius
- Habla
- Ansiedad social
- Circunstancias
- Pregúntame
- Enviar
- Nativo
- Inserte
- Patético
- Larga distancia
- Largo
- Distancia
- Frases
- Causas
- Distinguido
- Humanos
- Entrevistas
- Normal
- Debería
- Historias
- Teléfonos
- Dos
- Pregunta
- Buena historia
- Si
- Seres humanos
- Implícito