There's a long-standing (50 year old) flame war within the field over whether it's "sci-fi" or "SF".SF has traditionally been looked down on by the literary establishment because, to be honest, much early SF was execrably badly written - but these days the significance of the pigeon hole is fading; we have serious mainstream authors writing stuff that is I-can't-believe-it's-not-SF, and SF authors breaking into the mainstream. If you view them as tags that point to shelves in bricks-and-mortar bookshops, how long are these genre categories going to survive in the age of the internet?
- Guerra
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- Internet
- Ser honesto
- Significado
- Creer
- Ciencia ficción
- Librerías
- Ladrillos
- Categorías
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- Campos
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- De pie
- Cosas
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- Estos días
- Vistas
- Años
- Escrito
- Puedo
- Bricks And Mortar
- Si