  • [El hombre se enfrenta a la crisis existencial de ser un yo consciente, solitario y mortal, arrojado a un universo en última instancia sin sentido e incognoscible... y a la crisis psicológica y biológica de vivir en un mundo que ha llegado a configurarse de tal manera que coincide exactamente con su visión del mundo, es decir, en un entorno creado por el hombre que es cada vez más mecanicista, atomizado, desalmado y autodestructivo.

[Having] appropriated to itself all conscious intelligence in the universe ...Man faces the existential crisis of being a solitary and mortal conscious ego thrown into an ultimately meaningless and unknowable universe ...and the psychological and biological crisis of living in a world that has come to be shaped in such a way that it precisely matches his world view-i.e., in a man-made environment that is increasingly mechanistic, atomized, soulless, and self-destructive. - Richard Tarnas