  • No puedo creer que Hillary Clinton quiera que el mundo piense que cada vez que se mete en problemas políticos, su marido va a aparecer rugiendo, rompiendo muebles, absorbiendo oxígeno, vomitando dióxido de carbono. Mi impresión es que es lo bastante fuerte como para defenderse, como demostró en el reciente debate demócrata. Pero aparentemente no es lo suficientemente fuerte para controlar al Sr. Bill. Y si ese es el caso, cualquier votante en su sano juicio tendría que pensárselo dos veces antes de permitir este tipo de espectáculo circense en la Casa Blanca.

    "Klein: A 'circus act in the White House'?" by Ben Smith, January 24, 2008.
I can't believe that Hillary Clinton wants the world to think that whenever she gets into political trouble, she's going to have her husband come roaring about, breaking furniture, sucking up oxygen, spewing carbon dioxide. My impression is that she's strong enough to defend herself - she certainly showed that in the recent Democratic debate. But apparently she's not strong enough to control Mr. Bill. And if that's the case, any sane voter would have to think twice before enabling this sort of circus act in the White House. - Joe Klein