If the six-nation forums dealing with Iran and North Korea suffer comparable failures, the consequence will be a world of unchecked proliferation, not controlled by either governing principles or functioning institutions. A modern, strong, peaceful Iran could become a pillar of stability and progress in the region. This cannot happen unless Iran's leaders decide whether they are representing a cause or a nation - whether their basic motivation is crusading or international cooperation. The goal of the diplomacy of the Six should be to oblige Iran to confront this choice.
- Fuerte
- Motivación
- Objetivo
- Líder
- Opciones
- En paz
- Sufrimiento
- Progreso
- Mundo
- Cooperación
- Moderno
- Estabilidad
- Diplomacia
- Corea del Norte
- Consecuencia
- Causas
- Foros
- Instituciones
- Irán
- Corea
- Pilares
- Principios
- Proliferación
- Debería
- Seis
- Controlado
- Gobernar
- Sucede
- Internacional
- International Cooperation
- Naciones
- Regiones
- En representación de
- Si