  • Tengo la sensación de que el trabajo de muchos artistas se perdió [a causa del sida]. Howard tuvo suerte porque su familia y sus amigos le apoyaron, pero recuerdo algo escalofriante: en el hospital de St. Vincent, unos tipos pedían a gritos que alguien les escuchara, sólo un momento. Se estaban muriendo solos. ¿Quién sabe qué pasó con su trabajo? Ha sido un proceso seguir el hilo para averiguar todo lo que hizo Howard. Es superar ese shock.

    "William Burroughs Documentary: Howard Brookner’s Movie Re-Released After Decades Out Of Print". December 6, 2017.
I have a feeling a lot of artists' work got lost [because of AIDS]. Howard was fortunate because his family and friends supported him, but a chilling thing I remember was these guys at St. Vincent's [Hospital] who would call out for someone to listen to them, just for a moment. They were dying alone. Who knows what happened to their work? It's been a process to follow the thread to find out everything Howard did. It's getting over that shock. - Aaron Brookner