  • Si pudieras leer algunas de las historias que tuvimos ante nosotros de padres de niños que morían de, digamos, cáncer de huesos. O de personas que lidiaban con familiares que se ahogaban en sus propios cuerpos, al final, sufriendo sin ninguna esperanza de que la ciencia médica moderna aliviara su dolor u ofreciera algún consuelo. Con la absoluta certeza de que iban a morir de todos modos. No logro comprender cómo podemos querer que esas personas sigan sufriendo esa agonía extrema entendiendo que es la voluntad de un creador o algún otro concepto filosófico.

    "Grappling with the hardest questions on assisted dying". Interview with John Geddes, February 25, 2016.
If you could read some of the stories that we had before us of parents of children dying of, let's say, bone cancer. Or people who dealt with family members drowning in their own bodies, in the end, suffering without any hope of modern medical science easing their pain or offering any comfort. With the absolute knowledge that they were going to die anyway. I can't quite comprehend how we could want those people to continue to suffer that extreme agony on the understanding that it is the will of a creator or some other philosophical concept. - Kelvin Ogilvie