You've got the right - you've got a wonderful person with Sheila Bair, most of the viewers have never heard of Sheila Bair. [She] has taken eight percent of the deposits in the United States and seamlessly moved those over to sound institutions which in turn have gotten more capital, ended up, it's been a magnificent job.She'll never get a golden parachute or any severance pay or anything. She's done a great job. We've got some great public servants. We have I think the right people in there to get the job done, and then they need more tools.
- Tomado
- Pensar
- Personas
- Hecho
- Maravilloso
- Gran trabajo
- Siervo
- Magnífico
- Movido
- Hacer el trabajo
- Depósitos
- Ocho
- Dorado
- Heard
- Instituciones
- Jobs (Empleo)
- Necesita
- Paracaídas
- Pagar
- Personas
- Sheila
- Sonido
- Estados
- Herramientas
- Gira
- Estados Unidos
- Estados Unidos
- Porcentaje
- Funcionarios públicos
- Visores
- Wonderful Person