I have no personal desire to get married whatsoever and I certainly have no desire to be a soldier. I'm old school, I'm from gay liberation, we wanted to end war forever and smash the patriarchy and these are values I still hold dear but, I believe that any person who wants to get married should have that right and I know that Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual people serve with distinction in the armed forces, and that when they are killed, supposedly serving our country in these wars, that I personally do not support, their partners back home do not receive death benefits.
- País
- Guerra
- Creer
- Old School (Vieja escuela)
- Escuela
- Inicio
- Gay
- Bisexual
- Personas
- Para siempre
- Ayuda
- Soldado
- Deseo
- Creo
- Casado
- Liberación
- Estimado
- Fuerzas Armadas
- Patriarcado
- Valores
- Beneficios
- Distinción
- Fin
- Fuerza
- Socios
- Personas
- Debería
- Fotogramas
- Desea
- Se busca
- Nuestro país
- Sirviendo a
- Conoce
- Volver a casa
- Liberación gay
- Debería haber
- Deseo personal