Rowdy, hopped-up college kids pass us in an endless, noisy blur like they're being mass produced or squeezed out of a tube - guys skulking in their T-shirts and cargo shorts, girls in low-slung jeans and flip-flops, pimples and breasts and tattoos and lipstick and legs and bra straps, and cigarettes; a colorful, sexy melange. I feel old and tired and I just want to be them again, want to be young and stupid, filled with angst and attitude and unbridled lust. Can I have a do-over, please? I swear to God I'll make a real go of it this time.
- Sexy
- Kids (Niños)
- Guy
- Real
- Estúpido
- Girl (Chica)
- Universidad
- Actitud
- Colorido
- Lujuria
- Cigarrillo
- Cansado
- Desenfoque
- Tatuaje
- Júralo
- Camisas
- Angst
- Pantalones cortos
- Pintalabios
- Chanclas
- Camiseta
- Sujetadores
- Pechos
- Carga
- Sin fin
- Se siente
- Relleno
- Flip
- Vaqueros
- Piernas
- Bajas
- Masa
- Granos
- Por favor,
- Rowdy
- Desea
- Joven
- Young And Stupid
- Ruidoso
- Tubos
- Ser joven
- Júralo por Dios