  • Desde que nací, recuerdo que mi padre y mi madre siempre han defendido la diversidad y las diferencias entre las personas, y que eso es el núcleo de América y de la felicidad y de todas esas cosas. Y eso va de la mano de la igualdad y de que hay que tratar a todo el mundo por igual y ser justo y no juzgar a la gente ni que no te guste la gente porque sea diferente, y abrazar y disfrutar de la gente por las diferencias que tienen.

    "Houston Texan Connor Barwin on marriage equality, his gay brother and NFL culture". Interview with Jim Buzinski, June 11, 2012.
Since I was born I remember my dad and my mom always embracing diversity and differences among people and that being the core of America and happiness and all those different things. And that goes along with equality and you should treat everybody equal and be fair and not judge people and dislike people because they are different, and embrace and enjoy people because of the differences they have. - Connor Barwin