In short, there are certain fundamental requisites for wise and resolute democratic leadership. It must build on hope, not on fear; on honesty, not on falsehood; on justice, not on injustice; on public tranquility, not on violence; on freedom, not on enslavement.
- Libertad
- La verdad
- Wise (Sabio)
- Honestidad
- Compromiso
- Justicia
- Logros
- Importante
- Progreso
- Violencia
- Mundo
- Injusticia
- Tranquilidad
- Devoción
- Demócrata
- Justicia
- Falsedad
- Esclavización
- Social
- Cierto
- Esenciales
- Tejido
- Fundamentos
- Humanos
- Ingredientes
- Camino
- Democratic Leadership
- American Way Of Life
- Condiciones
- Progreso humano
- Resolute
- Hebras