  • Es muy bueno volver a un paisaje que ha tenido un significado extraordinario en la vida de uno. Ocurre que volvemos a esos lugares en nuestra mente de forma irresistible. Hay ciertos pueblos y ciudades, montañas y llanuras que, tras haberlos visto, paseado y vivido en ellos aunque sólo sea un día, guardamos para siempre en la memoria. Se vuelven indispensables para nuestro bienestar; nos definen, y decimos: soy quien soy porque he estado allí, o allí.

There is a great good in returning to a landscape that has had extraordinary meaning in one's life. It happens that we return to such places in our minds irresistibly. There are certain villages and towns, mountains and plains that, having seen them walked in them lived in them even for a day, we keep forever in the mind's eye. They become indispensable to our well-being; they define us, and we say, I am who I am because I have been there, or there. - N. Scott Momaday