  • De repente, siento lástima por esas personas codiciosas y necesitadas cuyos enormes salarios nunca son suficientes, cuyo sentido del valor se define por su propio fajo personal. Qué mundo tan empobrecido deben de habitar... Deberíamos sentir lástima por ellos y por sus vidas tristemente limitadas. Y recordar que nunca debemos fiarnos del juicio de aquellos cuyas prioridades están tan estúpidamente sesgadas.

Suddenly I find myself feeling sorry for those greedy, needy people whose huge salaries are never quite enough, whose sense of worth is defined by their own personal wad. What a diminished, impoverished world they must inhabit ... We should feel sorry for them and their sadly limited lives. Then we should remember never to trust the judgement of those whose priorities are so idiotically skewed. - Terence Blacker