  • Mantener el statu quo es lo mismo que retroceder; mientras tú te mantienes, los demás te pasan por encima. Sé duro contigo mismo. No pienses nunca que lo has conseguido; no te conformes nunca con lo que has hecho. Impúlsate para el resto de tu vida. Si no te mueves, te paralizas. Desarrolla al máximo tu potencial, porque tú también puedes despertar a voluntad al genio dormido.

Maintaining the status quo is the same as regressing; while you are holding your own, others are passing you by. Be harsh on yourself. Do not ever think that you have made it; do not ever be staisfied by what you have done. Drive yourself for the rest of your life. If you do not move, you become paralyzed. Develop your potential to the fullest, for you, too, can wake the sleeping genius at will. - Kim Woo-jung