The modern world needs people with a complex identity who are intellectually autonomous and prepared to cope with uncertainty; who are able to tolerate ambiguity and not be driven by fear into a rigid, single-solution approach to problems, who are rational, foresightful and who look for facts; who can draw inferences and can control their behavior in the light of foreseen consequences, who are altruistic and enjoy doing for others, and who understand social forces and trends.
- Personas
- Identidad
- Mundo
- Problema
- Moderno
- Comportamiento
- Impulsado
- Disfrute de
- Ambigüedad
- Racional
- Tolerar
- Consecuencia
- Incertidumbre
- Soluciones
- Social
- Able
- Acérquese a
- Dibuja
- Hechos
- Fuerza
- Inferencia
- Luz
- Mira
- Necesita
- Preparado
- Tendencias
- Autónomo
- Complejos
- Hacer por los demás
- Previsto
- Mundo moderno