  • El liberalismo anticuado de Wicksell recuerda la actitud de John Maynard Keynes ante el servicio militar obligatorio durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Se oponía a la conscripción porque privaba al ciudadano del derecho a decidir por sí mismo si se alistaba o no en la lucha. Como funcionario, Keynes estaba exento de la conscripción, por lo que no hay necesidad de cuestionar su sinceridad. Aparentemente, su creencia en los derechos del individuo frente a la mayoría de sus compatriotas era muy fuerte.

    Mancur OLSON (2009). “The Logic of Collective Action”, p.90, Harvard University Press
Wicksell's old-fashioned liberalism is reminiscent of John Maynard Keynes' attitude toward conscription during World War I. Keynes opposed conscription, but he was not a pacifist. He opposed conscription because it deprived the citizen of the right to decide for himself whether or not to join in the fight. Keynes was exempt as a civil servant from conscription; so there is no need to question his sincerity. Apparently his belief in the rights of the individual against a majority of his compatriots was very strong indeed. - Mancur Olson