  • Estoy orgulloso de llamarme hindú, estoy orgulloso de ser uno de vuestros indignos siervos. Estoy orgulloso de ser un compatriota vuestro, vosotros los descendientes de los sabios, vosotros los descendientes de los más gloriosos Rishis que el mundo haya visto jamás. Por lo tanto, tened fe en vosotros mismos, estad orgullosos de vuestros antepasados, en lugar de avergonzaros de ellos.

    Swami Vivekananda (1932). “The Complete Works of the Swami Vivekananda, Comprising All His Lectures, Addresses and Discourses Delivered in Europe, America and India: All His Writings in Prose and Poetry, Together with Translations of Those Written in Bengali and Sanskrit; Reports of His Interviews and His Replies to the Various Addresses of Welcome; His Sayings and Epistles,--private and Public--original and Translated; with an Index; Carefully Revised & Edited”