  • As for me, I used to be a bird
    with a gentle white womb,
    someone cut my throat
    just for laughs,
    I don’t know.
    As for me, I used to be a great albatross
    and whirled over the seas.
    Someone put an end to my journey,
    without any charity in the tone of it.
    But even stretched out on the ground
    I sing for you now
    my songs of love.

    Alda Merini (2016). “Love Lessons: Selected Poems of Alda Merini”, p.51, Princeton University Press
As for me, I used to be a bird with a gentle white womb, someone cut my throat just for laughs, I don’t know. As for me, I used to be a great albatross and whirled over the seas. Someone put an end to my journey, without any charity in the tone of it. But even stretched out on the ground I sing for you now my songs of love. - Alda Merini