But [Sunday] as you saw, it was obviously [the media] took some more than initiative to try to get me to kind of go down the wrong path. I know the last two teams that I've been on, I felt like I left those teams prematurely due to media interviews that I've done and things kind of taken out of context and they created sort of a media whirlwind in the locker room and things kind of went downhill from there. I'm just trying to do the best job I can do as far as answering the questions and trying to be a better teammate and not try to throw people under the bus.
- Equipo
- Tomado
- Domingo
- Personas
- Prueba
- Ruta
- Compañero de equipo
- Hecho
- Amable
- Iniciativa
- Autobús
- Vestuarios
- De contexto
- Entrevistas
- Jobs (Empleo)
- Dura
- Taquillas
- Medios de comunicación
- Habitaciones
- Sierras
- Dos
- Torbellino
- Puede hacer
- Cuotas
- Fieltro
- Izquierda
- Puedo
- Conoce
- Hazlo lo mejor posible
- Mejor trabajo
- Wrong Path