Britain has squandered its windfall of natural resources from North Sea oil and gas. Instead of prudently investing the 'unearned income' from nature, to build a safe, clean and green energy supply for the nation, we face unnecessary shortages. But there is still a chance to put the proceeds from liquidating our fossil fuel assets to better and more appropriate use. Instead of oil companies profiteering from climate change and oil depletion, a windfall tax could establish an Oil Legacy Fund to pay for Britain's urgent transition to a sustainable, decentralised energy system
- Energía
- Legado
- Chance
- Innecesario
- Natural
- Cambio climático
- Impuestos
- Gas
- Fondo
- Recursos naturales
- Combustibles fósiles
- Petróleo y gas
- Energía verde
- Activos
- Gran Bretaña
- Clima
- Empresa
- Caras
- Fósiles
- Combustible
- Verde
- Ingresos
- Invertir
- Aceite
- Pagar
- Recursos
- Seguro
- Escasez
- Fotogramas
- Mar
- Transición
- Utilice
- Limpiar
- Naciones
- Compañías petroleras
- Urgente
- Adecuado
- North Sea