  • Por encima de todo, se trata de dejar constancia de que existí: estuve aquí. Tuve hambre. Fui derrotado. Fui feliz. Estuve triste. Estaba enamorado. Tuve miedo. Tuve esperanza. Tenía una idea y un buen propósito y por eso hacía obras de arte.

    Félix González-Torres, Tim Rollins, Susan Cahan, Jan Avgikos (1993). “Felix Gonzalez-Torres”, A R T Pr
Above all else, it is about leaving a mark that I existed: I was here. I was hungry. I was defeated. I was happy. I was sad. I was in love. I was afraid. I was hopeful. I had an idea and I had a good purpose and that's why I made works of art. - Felix Gonzalez-Torres