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George Washington, Jared Sparks (1839). “The Writings of George Washington: pt. IV. Letters official and private, from the beginning of his presidency to the end of his life: (v. 10) May, 1789-November, 1794. (v. 11) November, 1794-December, 1799”, p.201
Attributed by Mark Twain in 'Mark Twain as George Washington'. Another version is: I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet. Weems 'Washington' (Fifth ed. 1806)
George Washington (1860). “Recollections and private memoirs of Washington by his adopted son George Washington with a memoir of the author by his daughter; and illustrative and explanatory notes by Benson J. Loosing: With illustrations”, p.42
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