
Haskell Wexler Quotes - Page 2

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    "I don't know where you're reading all this stuff, but it's pretty accurate, yes. It was in 1942. I was on a ship called the Accelo(ph) coming back from the Red Sea and we were sunk off the coast of Africa by a German submarine. And I was in a lifeboat for 14 days and landed and lived with the Pondos in South Africa while - who took care of us and took care of me. I had some wound in my left leg."

    - Haskell Wexler,, added Feb 15, 2016

    Haskell Wexler

    • Born: February 6, 1922
    • Died: December 27, 2015
    • Profesión: Director de fotografía
    • Cite this Page: Citation