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Matthew Henry (1848). “Daily Communion with God: Christianity No Sect ; The Sabbath ; The Promises of God ; The Worth of the Soul ; A Church in the House”, p.81
Matthew Henry (1848). “Daily Communion with God: Christianity No Sect ; The Sabbath ; The Promises of God ; The Worth of the Soul ; A Church in the House”, p.163
Matthew Henry (1856). “An exposition of the Old and New Testament: wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents; the sacred text inserted at large, in distinct paragraphs; each paragraph reduced to its proper heads; the sense given, and largely illustrated; with practical remarks and observations”, p.244
Matthew Henry (1848). “Daily Communion with God: Christianity No Sect ; The Sabbath ; The Promises of God ; The Worth of the Soul ; A Church in the House”, p.102
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