The Republican party is the party of nostalgia. It seeks to return America to a simpler, more innocent and moral past that never actually existed. The Democrats are utopians. They seek to create an America so fair and non-judgmental that life becomes an unbearable series of apologies. Together, the two parties function like giant down comforters, allowing a candidate to disappear into the enveloping softness, protecting them from exposure to the harsh weather of independent thought.
- Juntos
- Juicio
- Fiesta
- Partido Republicano
- Inocente
- Demócrata
- Desaparecer
- Moral
- Republicano
- Disculpas
- Independiente
- Harsh
- Nostalgia
- Anterior
- Pensamiento independiente
- Suavidad
- Sin prejuicios
- América
- Exposición
- Función
- Gigantes
- Devolución
- Dos
- Insoportable
- Tiempo
- Permitir
- Candidatos
- Consolador
- Ferias
- Serie