Most of us think we don't have enough time to exercise. What a distorted paradigm! We don't have time not to. We're talking about three to six hours a week - or a minimum of thirty minutes a day, every other day. That hardly seems an inordinate amount of time considering the tremendous benefits in terms of the impact on the other 162 - 165 hours of the week.
- Salud
- Entrenamiento
- Ejercicio
- Pensar
- Semana
- Horas
- Suficiente
- Plazo
- Paradigma
- Entrenamiento motivador
- Beneficios
- En
- Tiempo suficiente
- Impacto
- Mínimo
- Actas
- Seis
- Hablar
- Treinta
- Tres
- Importe
- Parece
- Entrenamiento de fuerza
- Salud y forma física
- Ejercicio y salud
- Ejercicio Salud
- Salud y forma física
- Bienestar
- Pérdida de peso
- Enfermedad