The rule of thumb for the old backpacking was that the weight of your pack should equal the weight of yourself and the kitchen range combined. Just a casual glance at the full pack sitting on the floor could give you a double hernia and fuse four vertebrae. After carrying the pack all day, you had to remember to tie one leg to a tree before you dropped it. Otherwise you would float off into space. The pack eliminated the need for any special kind of ground-gripping shoes, because your feet would sink a foot and a half into hard-packed earth, two inches into solid rock.
- Dar
- Árbol
- Cocina
- Especial
- Tierra
- Amable
- Recuerde
- Igualdad
- De mochilero
- Casual
- Pies
- Cuatro
- Miradas
- Agarre
- Medio
- Hernias
- Pulgadas
- Piernas
- Necesita
- Packs
- Gama
- Rocas
- Zapatos
- Debería
- Sentado
- Espacio
- Pulgares
- Corbatas
- Dos
- Peso
- Flotadores
- Fusible
- Duro
- Journey (Viaje)
- Pasee por
- Caminar
- Senderismo
- Paseando por
- Paseando por
- Senderismo
- Paseos