The essence of Christianity is the appeal to the life of Christ as a revelation of the nature of God and of God's agency in the world. The record is fragmentary, inconsistent, and uncertain. . . . But there can be no doubt as to what elements in the record have evoked a response from all that is best in human nature. The Mother, the Child, and the bare manger: the lowly man, homeless and self-forgetful, with his message of peace, love, and sympathy: the suffering, the agony, the tender words as life ebbed, the final despair: and the whole with the authority of supreme victory.
- Life (Vida)
- Paz
- Madre
- Niños
- Hombres
- Sufrimiento
- Duda
- Victoria
- Desesperación
- Mundo
- Naturaleza humana
- Sin techo
- Cristianismo
- Cristo
- Revelaciones
- Autoridad
- Paz Amor
- Respuesta
- Inconsistente
- Olvidadizo
- Agencia
- Agonía
- Recursos
- Elementos
- Esencia
- Finales
- Humanos
- Mensajes
- Registros
- Auto
- Incierto
- Sin duda
- Supremo
- Todo