I'm convinced that welfare reforms deserve our support, both because they are better (or at least much less bad) for the animals involved (the Golden Rule), and because they push the envelope, moving us closer to the compassionate world that all animal rights activists are working toward...On the other hand, working toward welfare reforms has the immediate benefit of helping improve animals' lives today and acts as a crucial stepping stone toward animal liberation.
- En movimiento
- Animales
- Ayuda
- Vivir el presente
- Hoy
- Mundo
- Ayuda
- Derechos de los animales
- Bienestar
- Regla de oro
- Compasión
- Liberación
- Activista
- Merece
- Activistas por los derechos de los animales
- Animal Liberation
- Beneficios
- Sobres
- Dorado
- Manos
- Reforma
- Derechos
- Peldaños
- Piedras
- Reforma de la asistencia social
- Convencido
- Involucrados
- Crucial