  • Ser halagado es agradecido, aun cuando sepamos que nuestros elogios no son creídos por quienes los pronuncian; porque prueban, al menos, nuestro poder, y muestran que nuestro favor es valorado, ya que se compra con la mezquindad de la falsedad.

    Samuel Johnson, Hester Lynch Piozzi, James Boswell (1828). "Las bellezas de Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, and Miscellaneous: to which are Now Added Biographical Anecdotes of the Doctor, Selected from the Works of Mrs. Piozzi;--his Life, Recently Published by Mr. Boswell, and Other Authentic Testimonies; Also His Will, and the Sermon He Wrote for the Late Doctor Dodd", p.181