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William Shakespeare (1823). "Las obras dramáticas de William Shakspeare: From the Text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, His Life, and a Critique on His Genius & Writings", p.920
William Shakespeare (1868). “The Works of William Shakspeare. Life, Glossary, &c. Reprinted from the Original Edition, and Compared with All Recent Commentators”, p.610
William Shakespeare (1851). “Dictionary of Shakespearian quotations: Exhibiting the most forcible passages illustrative of the various passions, affections and emotions of the human mind”, p.158
William Shakespeare (1823). "Las obras dramáticas de William Shakspeare: From the Text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, His Life, and a Critique on His Genius & Writings", p.920
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