
George Carlin Quotes About Dying

Citas sobre: Morir
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  • Most of the time people feel okay. Probably it's because at the moment they're not actually dying.

    George Carlin (2015). “3 x Carlin: An Orgy of George including Brain Droppings, Napalm and Silly Putty, and When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?”, p.289, Hachette UK
  • Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying.

    George Carlin (2007). “The Best of Brain Droppings”, p.39, Peter Pauper Press, Inc.

George Carlin

  • Nacimiento: 12 de mayo de 1937
  • Falleció: el 22 de junio de 2008
  • Profesión: Comediante
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