I would favor three policies: raising the minimum wage to $12, closing the tax loophole where persons only pay a 15% income tax on long term capital gains (tax it at the full tax rate), and institute a progressive tax moving the highest tax rate from 39.6% to 45%. I would favor implementing these three policies in that order, starting with raising the minimum wage, but not stopping there.
- En movimiento
- Largo
- Progresiva
- Impuestos
- Impuesto sobre la renta
- Plazo
- Tarifa
- Política
- A largo plazo
- Cerrar
- A favor
- Ganancias
- Ingresos
- Mínimo
- Salario mínimo
- Pida
- Pagar
- Personas
- Inicio
- Detener
- Tres
- Plusvalías
- Impuesto sobre plusvalías
- Más alto
- Aplicación de
- Instituto
- Lagunas jurídicas
- Progressive Tax